


什么是 REST

Representational State Transfer,翻译是“表现层状态转化”。可以总结为一句话:REST 是所有 Web 应用都应该遵守的架构设计指导原则

面向资源是 REST 最明显的特征,对于同一个资源的一组不同的操作。资源是服务器上一个可命名的抽象概念,资源是以名词为核心来组织的,首先关注的是名词。REST 要求,必须通过统一的接口来对资源执行各种操作。对于每个资源只能执行一组有限的操作。

什么是 RESTful API

符合 REST 设计标准的 API,即 RESTful API。REST 架构设计,遵循的各项标准和准则,就是 HTTP 协议的表现,换句话说,HTTP 协议就是属于 REST 架构的设计模式。比如,无状态,请求-响应




package com.example.springbootvalidation.entity;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public enum ResponseStatus {
    SUCCESS("200", "success"),
    FAIL("500", "failed"),

    HTTP_STATUS_200("200", "ok"),
    HTTP_STATUS_400("400", "request error"),
    HTTP_STATUS_401("401", "no authentication"),
    HTTP_STATUS_403("403", "no authorities"),
    HTTP_STATUS_500("500", "server error");

    public static final List<ResponseStatus> HTTP_STATUS_ALL = Collections.unmodifiableList(
            Arrays.asList(HTTP_STATUS_200, HTTP_STATUS_400, HTTP_STATUS_401, HTTP_STATUS_403, HTTP_STATUS_500
     * response code
    private final String responseCode;
     * description.
    private final String description;



package com.example.springbootvalidation.entity;

import lombok.Builder;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class ResponseResult <T>{
     * response timestamp.
    private long timestamp;

     * response code, 200 -> OK.
    private String status;

     * response message.
    private String message;

     * response data.
    private T data;
    public static <T> ResponseResult<T> success() {
        return success(null);

     * response success result wrapper.
     * @param data response data
     * @param <T>  type of data class
     * @return response result
    public static <T> ResponseResult<T> success(T data) {
        return ResponseResult.<T>builder().data(data)

     * response error result wrapper.
     * @param message error message
     * @param <T>     type of data class
     * @return response result
    public static <T extends Serializable> ResponseResult<T> fail(String message) {
        return fail(null, message);

     * response error result wrapper.
     * @param data    response data
     * @param message error message
     * @param <T>     type of data class
     * @return response result
    public static <T> ResponseResult<T> fail(T data, String message) {
        return ResponseResult.<T>builder().data(data)
